Friday, January 23, 2015


Deja Mack

  1. I don't how to explain this o_0 I'm a blogger and with a nice fee, I photo shop things to make it pretty.
  2. I use to do photoshop for fun.
  3. I use to have a PC with photoshop and illustrator but it broke.
  4. Web Design
  5. I guess I want the experiences
  6. I don't have one
  7. Coldplay
  8. I like to draw.
  9. There was a fly who stated to cry because his mommy got sick and died. He walked all night until he got into a fight with another fly name  Mike. The fly and Mike ought to the death, but there battle was interrupted by a hungry frog. The fly and mike try there best to run away, but they were so tired from the fight. the frogs ate the flies.